quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

Teorias de traduçao e estudos culturais pòs-coloniais

"(...) Figured in the disjointed signifier of the present, this supplementary third space introduces a structure of ambivalence into the very construction of Jameson's internationalism. There is, on the one hand, a recognition of the interstitial, disjunctive spaces and signs crucial for the emergence of the new historical subjects of the translational phase of late capitalism. However, having located the image of the historical present in the signifier of a 'disintegrative' narrative, Jameson disavows the temporality of displacement which is, quite literally, its medium of communication. For Jameson, the possibility of becoming historical demands a containment of this disjunctive social time."
Homi K. Bhabha - How newness enters the world: Postmodern space, postcolonial times and the trials of cultural translation in The Location of Culture. London ; New York: Routledge, 1994

Nao sei porque tudo isso me faz lembrar do Fabuloso gerador de lero-lero, que tanto me inspirou na graduaçao e a tantos ainda inspira.(digite no google pra descobrir do que se trata)

2 comentários:

  1. enquanto ia lendo esse texto já começei a achar que era um papo metafisico
    depois eu li o gerador de lero lero muito bom

  2. Nossa! Eu ava lendo o texto e n tava entendendo nada. dpx que u fui vr o gerador de lero-lero eu axo que percebi o que vc quiz dizer!



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